freedom (noun) - the state of being free. The condition of being free of restraints. Or at liberty. Personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery. The absence of or release from ties, obligations, etc. The right of enjoying all of the privileges of membership or citizenship. Exemption from an unpleasant or onerous condition. The capacity to exercise choice; free will. Ease or facility of movement. The right to unrestricted use; full access. Exemption from necessity, in choice and action; as, the freedom of the will. Immunity from an obligation or duty.
Synonyms: Freedom, liberty refer to an absence of undue restrictions. Freedom emphasizes the opportunity given for the exercise of one's rights, powers, desires, or the like: freedom of movement. Openness, ingenuousness.
Simply reading the world's definition of freedom.. sends chills down my spine. It is my deepest desire for every person I know to experience that, love that, know this truth. To know that we are already free.. at times we may just need to come into the realization of this freedom.
The encyclopedia states that "in theology: the existence of free will must be reconciled with God's omniscience and goodness (in allowing man to choose badly), and with divine grace, which allegedly is necessary for any meritorious act. A prominent feature of modern existentialism is the concept of a radical, perpetual, and frequently agonizing freedom of choice."
A beautiful description of the overwhelming idea of our free will and God's divine nature encompassing into one motion. We have this free will, yes.. but it's funny how I have this freedom of choice, but can't do anything apart from him.. even if i want to.. even if i try.. there overcomes me this feeling of uneasiness. I could never leave you. I have tasted and seen the deep waters of who you are.. of your goodness. To choose or even ponder choosing something separate or other than what he has shown me is a deeply sickening thought. At times I have literally felt physically ill at the thought but am quickly rescued with the knowing that even if I do stray for a moment, he will divinely intersect. He will draw me back. He is Redeeming Love.
Perhaps the most beautiful thing about this relationship is that he gives us this freedom. This freedom to be.. and to love him. Sometimes there isn't even necessarily a "right" or a "wrong" answer.. he just wants us to choose.. to know that we have a choice.. and to trust that he is there whichever way.
At times we are told by society and perhaps even our own nature tells us that we are not free. That we must accomplish a list of tasks to come close to this "freedom".. but once we are there.. there comes another task to partake. How different would life look if we understood the freedom we already have? If we ran with this idea.
We have this freedom because of his love. So let us simply stand and be in this love. Like falling rain on my face. I can deny that it is there, but how much more intrinsically beautiful is life if we choose live to in it? To dance with it?
Freedom in love my friends.. take & run.
currently listening: "there's never enough time" by postal service
I like it.